Fodder Machine – A Feasible option for feeding livestock

Hydroponics is a way of growing plants without soil. Only moisture and nutrients are provided to the growing plants. There are many advantages to hydroponics. Hydroponic growing systems produce a greater yield over a shorter period of time in a smaller area than traditionally-grown crops.

There is a reduction or exclusion of pesticides and herbicides because the plants are in a more protected growing environment. Hydroponics is a year-round growing system that produces a consistent quantity and quality of plant material, regardless of outside weather.

Fodder can be grown hydroponically much the same as vegetables, flowers, and other plants. Hydroponic fodder systems are usually used to sprout cereal grains, such as oats, wheat, and corn. A hydroponic fodder system usually consists of a framework of shelves on which metal or plastic trays are stacked. After soaking overnight, a layer of seeds is spread over the base of the trays. During the growing period, the seeds are kept moist, but not saturated. They are supplied with moisture and (sometimes) nutrients, usually via drip or spray irrigation. Holes in the trays facilitate drainage and the waste water is collected in a tank.

The seeds will usually sprout within 24 hours and in 5 to 8 days have produced a 6 to 8 inch high grass mat. After the mat is removed from the tray, it can go into a feed mixer or be hand-fed to livestock. Livestock will eat the whole thing: seeds, roots, and grass. There is minimal waste. Livestock may not eat the fodder initially because it is new, but should soon learn to eat it with relish.

Fodder sprouts are tender and young, the equivalent of fresh green grass. As such, they are highly palatable and nutritious to all types and classes of livestock. On a dry matter basis, hydroponic fodder compares favorably with other nutritious feedstuffs.

Fodder Machine – A New Technology

What is Fodder Machine?

Fodder Machine is a machine that produces high quality fodder by consuming less water than required in conventional system. It is a combination of science and technology to produce good quality of green grass for livestock.

Fodder Machine

Benefits of Using Fodder Machine:

  • It takes only just 2 to 3 liters of water produce 1 Kg of green feed as compared with 80 to 90 liters/Kg required in conventional system.
  • It requires less than 1/15th of the space needed by conventional agriculture to grow same amount of fodder.
  • It is very useful in area or region where farming and other agricultural activity is not possible.
  • It takes only 7 days to produce high quality of green grass.
  • Fodder Machine technology remove the need for long term storage of grass. With our Fodder machine, a consistent supply of green grass is guaranteed 365 days of the year.
  • A most important factor about growing green grass in fodder machine is, it is completely natural.

There are several benefits of Fodder Machine, as it combines science & technology for producing food for livestock with improved nutrition.