The most important benefits of utilizing a hydroponic fodder system

The most important benefits of utilizing a hydroponic fodder system is the ability to more closely re-create our animal’s natural diets. This is especially true when considering a ruminant animal such as a cow. A cow’s digestive system has specially evolved to efficiently digest and convert grasses into a food source; a feat that those of us with only one stomach cannot accomplish. Traditionally all beef was grass fed, but with a skyrocketing population a need to speed up production time became evident; this is where grain-feeding came into play. Although grain feeding is a much more efficient way to take our baby calves to their 1200 pound weight, there is much to be said about an increase in the quality of life of our animals when fed a higher quality of food source. This is where hydroponic fodder comes into play. Although our animals are still consuming a grain based product, the increased digestibility rate more closely imitates their natural diet. This natural diet aids in our animals ability to put on weight in a more healthy and a less physically taxing manner.

If we simply take a look at the function of a seed from a plants perspective we can gain a little bit of insight on how it may react with the digestive system of an animal built to eat grass. Large starch and sugar compounds are deposited within the seed to prolong the time in which the seed can be preserved before germination. These compounds are later broken down and utilized by the germinating plant over the course of several weeks to ensure the plants survival. This storage mechanism that the plant depends on to distribute its genetics is actually an obstacle for our animals to overcome. Instead of immediately fermenting and digesting organic grass compounds, our ruminant animals have to spend more energy breaking down the seed’s coat and storage compounds into a usable form. By sprouting a high quality seed and feeding it directly after germination we are able to give our animals a fodder that is in its prime nutritional state.

Hydroponic Fodder production is a great way to drastically improve both the quality of your animal products as well as their quality of life!

Fodder Machine – A Machine That Produces Quality Grass for Livestock

Fodder Machine is a machine that produces quality grass for livestock feeding without using land. It also saves thousands of liter water which require in conventional method. Fodder Machine from Harikrushna Machietech Pvt Ltd produce 1 kg of green grass with only 2 to 3 liters of water.

Harikrushna Machinetech Pvt ltd has combined science and technology in Fodder Machine to produce green fodder organically. The Fodder system is a hydroponic growing room that has been specifically developed to sprout grain and legume seeds, for highly nutritious, yet cost effective livestock feed.  A selection of grains and legume seeds are spread onto the specialized growing trays and are watered at pre-determined intervals with overhead sprays. A set temperature is maintained inside the growing chamber, to ensure the best growth and highest nutritional value of fodder possible.

Benefits of using a Fodder Solutions system

Forget about waiting for rain or soil moisture to plant

No more irrigation lines, Ploughed fields

Save on feed prices – Instead of paying high feed prices in tough times you can hedge your investments, buy when others are selling their stock cheap and sell when others are paying high prices. With a Fodder Solutions system you can take control of your feeding and production.

Organic and affordable – Growing demand for economical “natural” animal feed as well as concerns relating to animal feed safety and the environment make Fodder Solutions systems an attractive means of producing affordable organic “green” feeds.

Optimum Production

Accelerated growth

High yield in a very small area

Low water consumption

Low energy consumption

Easy maintenance

Trouble free operations